Thursday 2 July 2015

Paper Science Class Two

Annual Exam – 2012/13 
Paper: Science                    Class: Two                           Total Marks: 40 
Name: _____________________________Date:__________ 
Objective part (20) Q. No. 1 (a) Tick (√) the true option . (5) 
I. Electricity is kind of . (a) food (b) energy (c) vegetable (d) things
II. The sound of flute is. (a) Noise (b) very bad (c) sound of traffic (d) musical
 iii. Which thing is at rest?. (a) book on the table (b) pendulum in the clock (c) walking boy (d) bus on the road
 iv. A liquid thing is. (a) clock (b) table (c) air (d) milk
 v. Give support to the body. (a) hip bone (b) arm bone (c) back bone (d) leg bone (b)
 Fill in the blanks with the help of the following words. (5) 
 (Energy , circular, simple, three, heat)
i. Animal without a backbone are___________ animals.
 ii. Mather has _______states.
iii. A merry go- round show a ___________ motion.
iv. _____________is also produced by rubbing .
v. Electricity is kind of __________
 (c) Write “T” for True and “F” for false . (5)
 i. A bee has a backbone.
ii. A butter fly is an animal without a backbone.
 iii. Air and water are material objects
iv. Glass is made up of more than one kind of matter.
v. A thing which can flow is called solid.  
(d) Join the animal with the correct box. (5) 
Animals with a backbone Animals without a backbone
Subjective part (20) 
Q. No- 2 Give any four short answer of the following questions. (8) 
I. What is the skeleton? Ans:__________________________________________________________________
II. Which stat of matter has a definite weight but no definite shape? Ans:__________________________________________________________________
III. Is a bus standing on the bus-stop in motion? Ans:__________________________________________________________________
IV. Can we hear if there is no air? Ans:__________________________________________________________________
V. What are a live and a neutral wire? Ans:__________________________________________________________________
VI. Which state of matter occupies more special? Ans:__________________________________________________________________
VII. Where are our limbs attached? Ans:__________________________________________________________________
Q .No- 3 Give long answers of any three questions (12)
 i. Which are the two main groups of animals?
ii. Name of three states of matter?
iii. What is a linear motion ? give example ?
iv. Write the names of some shapes of the magnet?
v. What is electricity?


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