Monday 13 July 2015

Methods of showing statistical data i) line Graph ii) Bar Graph iii) Pie Graph

Methods of showing statistical data
          In geography, diagrams are those conceptual sketches through which geography information and data is transferred to the paper. These are called statistical diagrams. These are.
          Line graph            Bar Graph            Pie graph
Let us study these diagrams in detail.
1.      Line graph
          In this diagram, statistical data is displayed with help of a line on the graph, therefore it is called line graph. In this graph two variables are shown, one as variable quantity and other as a constant. To construct a line graph, two lines are drawn meeting each other at 90 degrees. Horizontal line is called X-Axis (Rain, years, Distances etc.) and measureable variable is placed on Y-Axis (Rain, Temperature, air pressure, production etc.) To measure the values at Y-Axis, an appropriate scale is determined. With the help of scale, values are marked in the form of dots for each constant variable. Then these dots are joined by a line to prepare a line graph.

Merits of line graph
          With the help of line graph more than one variables can be compared easily, i-e we can compare the annual temperatures and rainfall values or Karachi and Lahore, which is not possible on bar and pie graph. Due to this property of line graph, it is preferred over bar graph.
Line graph is the best way to show decrease or increase in annual, monthly and daily productions of various items. Besides this, line graph is also used to show weather conditions, population, animal distribution, exports and imports of a country. All these statistics are related to time, so these are better illustrated on a line graph.
One line graph, we can easily understand the fluctuations as well as the production of items.
Demerits of line graph
          Although we can show average quantities and productions on line graph, we can not show percentages on it. Percentages are better shown on pie graphs.
Although we can show fluctuations in productions, we can not show total production of any item on the line graph, i-e total annual rainfall of a place or total population of country.
2. Bar graph
          Bar Graph is widely in geography. In this graph, we show quantities in the form of bars of equal width on equal intervals. The height of the bar varies with quantity. Bars can be drawn both vertically and horizontally. This method is very useful for comparison of different quantities, i-e population of big cities of Pakistan, length of canals, marks of students in a subject, imports and exports of country, areas and productions etc. We can also shade and colour the bars.
Merits of Bar graph
·         We can show total quantity of production on the bar graph.
·         We can also compare different quantities of the same item.
·         It is easy to show quantities on bar graph.
Demerits of Bar graph
·         To show more than one item or quantity, we have to draw multiple bars or a compound bar
·         It is possible to show value of only one item on the bar graph.
·         We cannot show percentages on bar graph.
3. Pie Graph
     Sometimes geographical data is displayed in circles or sectors of circle, i-e population or areas of a country or cities, imports or exports, trade and percentages on it. When we have to show quantities of same type in percentages, the circle is supposed to be divided in 100 parts and sectors are created with the help of following formula.
     We can calculate the specific angle (Sector of the circle) of the given percentage by another formula.
     These sectors can be shaded or colored.
Merits of pie graph
·         Pie graph covers less space as compared to line and bar graph. It presents a better comparison between different quantities. We can also show the total quantity on this graph.
·         It shows the areas of different countries in a better way which is not possible on line and bar graph. Pie graph is preferred to show production of power resources, i-e electricity gas.
Demerits of pie graph
·         Pie graph is not suitable to show weather data, i.e., distribution of temperature, rain and wind pressure.
Calculations of percentages and division of circle into sectors are comparatively difficult and consuming.


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