Saturday 4 July 2015

Paper English Class Four 2015

                                                                2nd Term Exam 2015
        Paper: English                             Class Four                            Total Marks: 75
Name: ………………………………                                                Male
Date: ………………………………..            Gender                      Female
                                                            Objective Part    Marks: 30
QNo1. Tick the correct option.                        15

i. Florence gained her early education from her
    (a) Mother            (b) teacher            (c) father
ii. The Crimean war broke out in
    (a) 1854            (b) 1954            (c) 1754
iii. Florence died in
    (a) America            (b) London            (c) China
iv. In the olden times, men used to fight with
    (a) Guns            (c) tanks            (c) swords
v. Noah (a.s) build a
    (a) Ship            (c) aero plane            (c) box
vi. The ship was built in the shape of a
    (a) Fish            (b) cat                (c) cock
vii. There was a famous calligrapher in
    (a) New York            (c) Persia            (c) Europe
viii. Nouman often wrote words on the ground with a
    (a) Pen                (c) pointer            (c) stick
ix. If you drop an egg it
    (a) Bleeds            (c) breaks            (c) evaporates
x. In Noah’s (a.s) time people used to worship
    (a) Allah            (b) stones            (c) idols
xi. You ……………… not quarrel with your friends
    (a) does            (b) is                 (c) do
xii. She  ……………….. a teacher
    (a) is                (b) are                (c) were
xiii. I …………….. not telling a lie.
    (a) are                (b) am                (c) is
xiv. The girls ……………… playing with dolls
    (a) is                 (b) was                (c) are
xv. He …………………a doctor   
    (a) is                (b) are                (c) am
QNo2. Write “T” for true and “F” for false                     5
    i. About 500 years ago, there was a famous calligrapher in Persia.
    ii. Mother, I’ll do hard work and earn money for you, said Nouman.
    iii. The boy was happy to part from his mother.
    iv. Mother, I’ll make a famous calligrapher of my self at all costs.
    v. it rained for forty days and forty nights
QNo3. Complete the sentences with the reflexive pronouns.            5
    i. He cleans his room ……………….
    ii. I drew this cartoon ………………
    iii. We row a boat ………………….
    iv. You will do your work     ……………
    v. They are looking at …………….in the mirror.
QNo4. Write definition of adjective with examples
                Or                        5
    Write definition of verb with examples.
                                            Subjective Part     Marks: 45
QNo5. Answer any five questions from the following.            10
i. What name did the soldiers give to Florence?
ii. Why Fazana and Noreen come late?
iii. What did Noah (a.s) ask the people?
iv. What did Nouman’s mother vow to herself?
v. How many years did Noah (a.s) preach?
vi. What did Florence become when she grew up?

QNo6. Write an essay.                            10
    My Father         or             A Cow
QNo7. Write an application for fee concession.                10
QNo8. Write a letter to your friend inviting him on your birthday.
    Write a story “A thirsty crow”
QNo9. Write the second and third form of the verbs.            5
        Sing,    write
    Translate any five sentences in to English.


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