Tuesday 14 July 2015

Ocean and Seas, Configuration of Ocean Floor

Configuration of Ocean Floor

Like the earth, the surface of ocean floor is not uniform as well. The undulation ocean floor is divided into following parts.
i)      Continental shelf
        The shallow part of sea which lies adjacent to the coastal areas is called continental shelf. This part of ocean is of vital importance form the geographical, political and economic point of view. A country’s maritime borders, rights of mining and fishing, trade routes and strategic planning depends upon continental shelf.
ii)     Continental slope
        The gentle sloping continental shelf ends at a steep slope which descends into the deep ocean. This is called continental slope.
iii)    Submarine trenches/canyons
        The continental slope merges into the deepest part of the ocean which comprise of narrow and deep v-shaped canyons called trenches. These trenches descend up to 10 kilometers under water.
iv)    Ocean Basin and Mid- Oceanic Ridges
        The mid portion of ocean is usually comprised of vast undulation plain. This part has an average depth of 4500 to 6000 meters. Volcanoes are also found in this portion in a series of a non-ending very long ridge. This is called Mid-Oceanic ridge formed by the eruption of magma at divergent plate boundary.


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