Saturday 4 July 2015

Paper English Class Three 2015

                                                                 2nd Term Exam 2015   
        Paper: English                           Class Three                          Total Marks: 50
                       Name: ………………………………                             Male
                       Date: ………………………………..            Gender     Female

            Objective Part    Marks: 20
QNo1. (a) Tick the correct option                     10

i. Arslan is going to post office to post a
    (a) Book        (b) watch        (c) letter
ii. Village’s people have lamps to get
    (a) Water        (b) light        (c) milk
iii. To draw lines we use
    (a) Rope        (b) basket        (c) ruler
iv. Play with children
    (a) Good        (b) bad            (c) dirty
v. Fatima saw the old woman’s
    (a) Locket        (b) hand bag        (c) secession
vi. Pakistan came in to being ……1947
    (a) In             (b) on            (c) at
vii. Aslam wears a cap because he is
    (a) Weak        (b) fat            (c) bald
viii. Students make different
    (a) Excuses         (b) jolks        (c) drafts
ix. The second form of “Drink” is
    (a) Drunk         (b) drink        (c) drank
x. The correct translation of the sentences
    (a) We are Muslims    (b) you are Muslims    (c) I am Pakistani
(b) Fill in the blanks with in, at, at or on.            5
    i. ………………….. 3’O clock
    ii. …………………. The evening
    iii. ………………… August
    iv. …………………..Wednesday.
    v. …………………... Friday morning

(c) Tick the correct and cross the wrong statement                5
    i. Respect your teachers.
    ii. Throw garbage in the streets.
    iii. Always tell a lie
    iv. Brush your teeth every day.
    v. We use a telephone to talk to people
(d) Write the give words in the correct order.                5
    i. had a stomach – ache Babar
    ii. All promised pupils the the teacher
    iii. Exercise is Goga taking
    iv. A tree is that
    v. Sports outdoor play
                Subjective Part Marks 30
QNo2. Answer the following questions.        10

    i. Why is Nusrat going to a shop?    ii. Where did the old woman sit?
    iii. When do you get up?        iv. Why could Saad not do his homework?
    v. Why do you sing a song?        vi. Did Fatima give the hand bag to her?
QNo3. Use the following words in their own sentences.             5
    Eyes, hands, ears, table, house
    Translate these sentences in to English.                5
QNo4. Write an essay on one topic                        10
        i. My Family        ii. My Class Room
QNo5. Write an application for urgent piece of work at home.        5


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